remote name

Oliver urnenfel at
Thu Aug 11 17:30:12 GMT 2005

> hmm... very strange. sorry, but i can only tell you this: if your
> bluetooth device acknowledge the command (with command status event)
> then you should look at the status field in the event.

yeah the same i though
> the command can be either accepted (status field in the command status
> event is zero) or reject (non-zero status field). in either case, from
> bluetooth stack point of view, things are working as expected, i.e.
> communication between the host and the device is not broken, command
> gets acknowledged, etc.

yeah the status field in the comand status was 0, all as expected
and actually I can be sure that in some way  it is well coded, ase ONCE i 
got the remote name of my palm testing device, so I thought it was in some 
special conditions... or something that i am not initing
> is your bluetooth device based on broadcom chip too?

I think so, all looks quite generic

BTW: I am sorry as this(and the previous mail) is not FreeBSD related, as I 
am coding the BT stack for ZETA operating system(before known as BeOS) 
therefore this problem/question i am having is related my implementation 
and not FreeBSD(the aim of this list i guess). My apologies for 

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