Palm sync over bluetooth?

Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko Alex.Kovalenko at
Tue Aug 2 02:36:04 GMT 2005

On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 13:28 -0700, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote: 
> Eric,
> [...]
> >>>>> That's exactly how it is with serial and USB - computer connects to
> >>>>> Palm, then you start Hotsync application on Palm.

I am afraid, at least on my Clie T615C, this statement is not true in
the case of the USB cradle. Device 'ucom' (or whatever the name du jour
is) is created *after* I press HotSync button. As the result first sync
packet get swallowed by the driver and deadlock ensue. This is the
reason behind 'dial' line in the configuration (and matching script on
the Clie). 

> what palm model do you have? is it possible to simple turn on bluetooth 
> without doing anything on palm? if so, then could you please run

Sony Clie T615C with Memory Stick Bluetooth Card.

> % sdpcontrol -a palm_bd_addr browse

RabbitsDen# sdpcontrol -a clie browse

> and/or
> % sdpcontrol -a palm_bd_addr search SP

RabbitsDen# sdpcontrol -a clie search SP

Both commands would cause Clie to show dialog box stating that Bluetooth 
connection is in progress.

> if you palm has serial port (SP) service then you should be able to just 
> connect to it without hitting sync button first.
> >> 2) add 'set log all' to the 'bluetooth' section. then try again. now 
> >> /var/log/ppp.log should have tons of information that will tell you 
> >> what is going all.
> > 
> > Done - now I have lots more logged info I don't understand. :)
> could you post it somewhere?

If you can post the log, it would be good -- I've omitted 
Palm-side configuration in my instructions which might have 
caused you considerable amount of grief -- I am using static 
address ( and static DNS (less important by might 
fall through during negotiation).

Side note -- to quote pilot-link man page:

pi-csd this must be running to accept Network HotSync(tm) connects.

admittedly it does not elaborate much and it took me some time and few 
tcpdump sessions to get it to work.

Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko (Олександр Коваленко)

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