Broadcom 35xx bluetooth dongle.
Maksim Yevmenkin
maksim.yevmenkin at
Tue Apr 5 10:44:25 PDT 2005
> ok so it isn;t working any more...
> What have I done wrong?
> jules# kldload ng_ubt
> jules# sh /etc/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
looks fine
> jules# hcsecd -d
> hcsecd[1152]: Restored link key for the entry, remote bdaddr
> 00:0a:28:72:c8:4d, name 'JulianE-cell'
looks fine
> (back on original window;)
> jules# hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry
> Inquiry result, num_responses=1
looks fine too
> jules# hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request cell
> BD_ADDR: JulianE-cell
> Name: JulianE-cell
> jules# l2ping -a cell -c 3
> 44 bytes from JulianE-cell seq_no=0 time=1571.147 ms result=0
> 44 bytes from JulianE-cell seq_no=1 time=20.375 ms result=0
> 44 bytes from JulianE-cell seq_no=2 time=18.803 ms result=0
looks fine
> jules# hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list
> Remote BD_ADDR Handle Type Mode Role Encrypt Pending Queue State
that might be ok. locally originated baseband connection will be
disconnected automatically after 5 sec (configurable) of inactivity. if
it has been 5 sec (or more) since you have terminated l2ping then
baseband connection will go down.
> jules# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_authentication_enable 1
> jules# hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_authentication_enable
> Authentication Enable: Enabled [1]
that's fine. what it means is that local host will authenticate
*incoming* connections.
> jules# l2control -a cell read_channel_list
> l2control: Could not bind socket, bdaddr=00:0a:28:72:c8:4d: Network is down
ok, this is wrong. l2control(8) is used to get information about *local*
devices. that is you should use "l2control -a BD_ADDR_of_bt_dongle."
this is kinda hccontrol(8), but in hccontrol(8) we use name of the local
device and in l2control(8) bd_addr of the local device. because you do
not have local device with bd_addr 00:0a:28:72:c8:4d attached to the
system you get this error message.
> jules# sdpcontrol -a cell browse
> Could not execute command "browse". Permission denied
> jules# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_authentication_enable 0
> jules# sdpcontrol -a cell browse
wow. that weird. did you try to wait a few sec. after first failure and
then try again (without changing write_authentication_enable back to 0).
i just tried this with my nokia 6820 and it works.
beetle# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_authentication_enable 1
beetle# sdpcontrol -a browse
[hcsecd output]
hcsecd[4217]: Got Link_Key_Request event from 'ubt0hci', remote bdaddr
hcsecd[4217]: Found matching entry, remote bdaddr 00:02:ee:df:f7:19,
name 'Nokia 6820 phone', link key exists
hcsecd[4217]: Sending Link_Key_Reply to 'ubt0hci' for remote bdaddr
[hcidump output]
< HCI Command: Create Connection(0x01|0x0005) plen 13
19 F7 DF EE 02 00 18 CC 00 00 00 00 01
> HCI Event: Command Status(0x0f) plen 4
00 01 05 04
> HCI Event: Link Key Request(0x17) plen 6
19 F7 DF EE 02 00
< HCI Command: Link Key Request Reply(0x01|0x000b) plen 22
i'd like you to try the following:
1) hcsecd -d
2) hcidump -w dump
3) hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_authentication_enable 1
4) sdpcontrol -a cell browse
if (4) fails wait a few sec and try (4) again.
5) kill hcidump and send me the dump file.
> jules# obexapp -f -a cell -C FTRN
> jules# < nothing happens. hcsecd on other windo however prints:
> hcsecd[1152]: Got Link_Key_Request event from 'ubt0hci', remote bdaddr
> 00:0a:28:72:c8:4d
> hcsecd[1152]: Found matching entry, remote bdaddr 00:0a:28:72:c8:4d,
> name 'JulianE-cell', link key exists
> hcsecd[1152]: Sending Link_Key_Reply to 'ubt0hci' for remote bdaddr
> 00:0a:28:72:c8:4d
> (I have not changed the key as far as I know)
hmmm... strange... binary hcidump please?
> jules# l2control -a cell read_channel_list
> l2control: Could not bind socket, bdaddr=00:0a:28:72:c8:4d: Network is down
again that would not work
> jules#
> (deleted laptop from phone.. recreated with pin in hcsecd.conf)
> jules# obexapp -a cell -f -C 9
> Could not connect to the remote OBEX server. Response: Bad Request
> (0x40). Service: File Browsing
> jules#
how about the following:
1) on your phone delete all 'paired devices'
2) delete /var/db/hcsecd.keys file (or at least delete the key for your
cell phone)
3) 'pair' phone and computer
> oh oh.. this looks familiar..
> did you check in the changes that got me going last time?
> maybe I accidentally refreshed the port...
there was no changes to the port for at least two months. i also did not
make any changes to the stack itself.
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