Logitech DiNovo Desktop

Mike Crosland mcrosland at xs4all.nl
Wed Feb 25 09:42:41 PST 2004


I've recently become the proud owner of a Logitech DiNovo Desktop. I have 
it running fine in Windows 2k and Suse Linux 9.0,but I'm getting some 
problems with FreeBSD 5.2 Release. It has already been mentioned on 
freebsd-current somewhere that the mouse  refuses to work on freebsd, 
although the keyboard support (inluding the seperate number pad or 
so-named 'media pad') is fine provided you disconnect the ps2 plug. The 
mouse however is recognised and assigned as ums0, but further nothing. On 
Suse both mouse and keyboard are fine, so I expect this will eventually be 
sorted in freebsd. In the meantime I'm trying to find a workaround.
Owing to the fact that neither FreeBSD or Linux recognise the Logitech hub 
as a Bluetooth hub, it is necessary to add a BT dongle in a spare usb slot 
in order to connect to other devices. An ideal workaround to the mouse 
problem would therefore be to attach the mouse via the dongle. So far I've 
managed to pair with the mouse, and add an HID sdpchannel, but I don't 
know where to go from there. Presumably some sort of daemon is needed, but 
I have no idea how to start writing that, so if anyone ahs suggestions I'd 
be very grateful. Also, is it possible for the system to recognise the 
logitech hub as a bluetooth hub?



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