Bluetooth mouse

Vladimir Grebenschikov vova at
Tue Dec 21 08:40:40 PST 2004

В вт, 21/12/2004 в 07:56 -0800, Maksim Yevmenkin пишет:
> >> 2) mouse itself. it advertises wrong psm for the hid interrupt
> >> channel.
> > 
> > Why it works with winXP in this case ?
> i need at least one more extra hcidump to answer this question. the
> most 
> likely answer is that winxp just ignores psm's that mouse advertises
> and 
> uses default ones (0x11 - hid control and 0x13 - hid interrupt). you 
> see, initially host and hid device do not know anything about each 
> other. so the host must query hid device using sdp (Service Discovery 
> Protocol) to find out all hid service parameters (such as psm's, hid 
> descriptor etc.). any hid device must provide this information. that
> is 
> what bthidcontrol(8) does - it queries hid devices using sdp and
> dumps 
> all parameters so bthidd(8) can uses them.
> > How to find what happens ?
> to rule out bthidcontrol(8) i need hcidump while you are doing
> 'query' 
> command.
> - run 'hcidump -w bthidcontrol.dump' as root
> - run 'bthidcontrol -a mouse query'

Dump in attachment

> note: you may need to reset the mouse again in order for this to work.

Looks like it works even while mouse in action.

> thanks,
> max
Vladimir B. Grebenchikov
vova at
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