
Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at savvis.net
Wed Dec 15 15:33:13 PST 2004


>>>> so i guess obexapp(1) should use encoding header from xml and 
>>>> translate values from xml into locale one is using
>>> Would be very nice, yes.
>> how about setting you locate to utf-8, i.e.
>> % LANG=<whatever>.UTF-8 xterm (for Russian language
>> LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8)
>> and then in new xterm window try to run obexapp and do ls. does cd
>>  command work? do you see any difference in ls output?
> ls output is now readable, but I can't cd to directories.

ok, thanks. just as i expected :( this whole thing is a train wreck :( 
OBEX_CharToUnicode and OBEX_UnicodeToChar just plain broken in openobex 
library :( the quick hack is to use something like iconv(3) to convert 
between current locate and unicode/utf-8. i do not like it very much, 
because its another port to install, but i'm not sure there is a 
standard freebsd-way to do the same thing. also, it seems, libbsdxml(3) 
always feeds utf-8 characters to all callbacks. it worked before only 
because no one tried obexapp(1) on "localized" phone :(

btw, what locale are you using?


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