BT Serial

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Mon Dec 6 10:08:29 PST 2004


> Hello list.  I have AirCable USB and AirCable USB
> Serial dongles that are BT technology, to implement
> what is know as a "wireless clable" to, for example,
> configure serial devices from a PC or laptop without
> using a cable.
> On my setup the BT USB device connects to a USB port
> on my laptop.  The serial dongle (DB-9 Female)
> connects to a DB-9 serial port on my router.  I have
> paired both devices.
> Under Linux with a simple:
> cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 115200

are you using bluetooth stack in linux? in other words is you usb device 
recognized as usb serial port or as bluetooth dongle?

> I get an instant connection to my router and am able
> to configure it.  I can also use Minicomm with the
> same results.  It all works.
> Under FreeBSD I have not been able to find what device
> to use.  When connected, the USB device appears as
> ugen0.  I've tried doing a cu (replacing ttyUSB0 with
> ugen0) to that but I first a "Connected" message; then
> something about not being able to write to the device.

ugen(4) is a *generic* usb device. ugen(4) driver is attached to the 
device when no other driver claims it. usb serial ports, modems etc. are 
implemeted with ucom(4), uftdi(4), umct(4) and umodem(4) drivers.

> Anyone know how I could get these to work under
> FreeBSD?  Thanks in advance.

if your device present itself as usb serial port then try to load 
appropriate drivers (see above). if device presents itself as bluetooth 
dongle then you need to run bluetooth stack and rfcomm_sppd(1).


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