patm, idt, ipfw

Franky franky at
Sun Sep 28 16:06:47 PDT 2003

I have two problems:
1. Driver patm on FreeBSD 5.1 do kernel panic, probably when pdu has CRC
error. This router terminates Alcatel DSLAM with 16 connetcted ADSL modems
(Cisco 827 or Alcatel Speedtouch Pro), sometimes PDU is incorrect and patm
do panic sends message - something like this "recive to large bufer data 219
98989 bytes".
2. In the same router I use ForeRunner LE155 card. This card works better
but send messages: nicstar_recv: Bad CRC - discarding PDU: 0/142
but this is normal, so router works.
When I try to use ipfw with queue/pipe, the idt driver do panic too, but
message is different -
something about mem pages.
What do you think about this?
I will try to use prosum driver on FreeBSD 4.xx, maybe it will be work.


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