patm, idt, ipfw - next adentures

Harti Brandt brandt at
Thu Oct 2 07:26:17 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Franky wrote:

F>I reinstall os to FreeBSD 4.9-RC and change atm card to Prosum
F>PROAMT-155.THIS IS NOT WORK. When os start all work good, but after 20-90
F>seconds some PVCs which have big traffic(8Mbit/s) break transmission and
F>don't send packets. I did many tests, I had always the same results - the
F>end of transssmision without any message. Sometimes I get this message:
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: proatm0: i=101, status=00080008
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: proatm0: not enough large buffers.
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos last message repeated 99 times
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: proatm0: i=101, status=00080008
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: proatm0: not enough large buffers.
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos last message repeated 69 times
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: proatm0: not enough large buffers.
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos last message repeated 29 times
F>Oct  2 03:18:45 ordos /kernel: proatm0: i=101, status=00080008
F>Oct  2 03:18:46 ordos /kernel: proatm0: not enough large buffers.
F>Oct  2 03:18:46 ordos /kernel: proatm0: bad CRC - discarding PDU: 0/144
F>Oct  2 03:18:46 ordos /kernel: proatm0: not enough large buffers.
F>Oct  2 03:18:46 ordos last message repeated 98 times
F>Oct  2 03:18:46 ordos /kernel: proatm0: i=101, status=00080008
F>but after this message all interface stop send packets (NMBCLUSTERS is set
F>to 65536 and ipfw is disabled).

Either there is an mbuf leak somewhere or the driver hits its own limit
for mbuf clusters (I don't have the source here and I'm going to leave for
two days). As I remember the proatm driver has a configurable limit on

F>Now I must go back to FreeBSD 5.1 and ForeRunner with idt driver - this is
F>not stable but work.
F>On this same hardware for about last two years I used Linux-2.4.7 and I did
F>not have any problems. Why FreeBSD can't this?

As every non-paid open source project FreeBSD is developed by volunteers.
If someone finds a problem and helps the developer to get the problem
solved things will get better with time. I have asked you for panic
message and stack trace. These are really simple to get. How do you expect
I'm going to fix your problem if you're not going to help me fixing it?

harti brandt,
brandt at, harti at

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