PinebookPro misc drivers..
Søren Schmidt at
Sun Mar 21 11:33:38 UTC 2021
On 21 Mar 2021, at 11.46, Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Mar 2021 11:19:57 +0100
> Emmanuel Vadot <manu at <mailto:manu at>> wrote:
>> On Sun, 21 Mar 2021 11:02:28 +0100
>> Søren Schmidt < at> wrote:
>>> On 10 Mar 2021, at 16.01, Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 15:29:21 +0100
>>>> Søren Schmidt < at> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I?ve uploaded the latest from my PinebookPro collection here:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Comment,, bugs, etc welcome?
>>>> Few comments,
>>>> - Could you at least share patches generated with git diff ?
>>> No git here, but added patches to the one file (rk_gpio.c) that isn?t new :)
>> Why was all the softc variable renamed, this makes reviewing much
>> harder than it should be.
I just cleaned up stuff to my liking, whether you want this stuff in the official sources I dont care much :)
>>>> - rk_gpiokeys.c doesn't seems correct, we already have
>>>> sys/dev/gpio/gpiokeys.c so patch this one if it isn't enough for lid
>>>> switch need.
>>> Well, the stock drivers handling of this is, well, less than optimal and the lid support is pretty unique to the pbp so I decided to go this way as to not ?pollute? the original.
>> Less than optimal why ?
>> Pretty unique why ?
>> I don't see anything unique for the pbp in the dts and if the driver
>> that we already have is missing some stuff it should be patched.
> So, since I'm a nice guy I've looked at the driver.
> It is unique because you made it unique.
> Upon lid switch even if the lid closed you deactivate the lcd power
> gpio control pin (which is not referenced in the dts node for the lid
> switch) using a really a gross hack. We should never do that.
> You've also written that you haven't been able to get interrupts when
> you open the lid but since you only configure it with
> GPIO_INTR_EDGE_FALLING that's normal. What is happening if you
> configure it with GPIO_INTR_EDGE_BOTH ? If it's still not working it
> probably shows a problem in your gpio patch that add interrupts support.
Well, there is NO interrupt generated whether you look for raising of failling edges, that’s why I resorted to plain polling (as explained).
I made it unique for my purposes, so it doesn’t conflict with anything.
But anyhow interrupts etc works on any ohter pin but apparently at least my device has issue here.
>>>> I could comment more if I would be able to diff more easily.
>>> As stated above there is now a patch for you for rk_gpio.c the rest has nothing to diff against.
>>> BTW I added support for writing an updated u-boot-2021.01 to the SPI flash on the pbp (also works for rockpro64), so one can boot from eMMC, SDcard, USB and NVMe with kbd/mouse support and screen output from the first u-boot output.
>> And again no patches make this really hard to review.
>> Please create a phabricator account and post patches there, we can
>> then have a proper discussion.
That is just too timeconsuming for me, I’m just trying to be nice and post what I’ve done to get my pinebookpro into a useful state for daily usage, you can pick and choose form that og just ignore it, I’m happy either way...
Søren Schmidt
sos at / sos at
"So much code to hack, so little time"
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