RPi4b 8GB 13.0-Current, XHCI broken, wrong U-Boot ?

Klaus Küchemann maciphone2 at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 5 22:22:24 UTC 2021

> Am 05.01.2021 um 23:07 schrieb Emmanuel Vadot <manu at bidouilliste.com>:
> Doesn't matter, u-boot cannot do usb, I'm not talking about FreeBSD
> kernel here.

?? , 
someone had deleted my formerly Wik-article,I really don’t know who and why  ;-),
I described in that article that USB for the RPI4 is supported by an eeprom-upgrade(if not available by default) ,
so of course we can plug USB-devices since Rob`s revolutionary fdt-driver :-)
So get your eeprom up to date and try again.


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