JMicron jms561 umass on arm64?

Peter Cornelius pcc at
Sat Apr 10 15:47:52 UTC 2021

Thanks, Mark,

> Is there evidence someplace that these instructions are
> no longer needed, even for what operating systems they
> do support?

Darn. Nope. Of course not. Just blind. I put that to the side thinking it all was about managing the display and the fan.
Which, embarrasingly, and of course, it was not.

Sigh. Never mind. I hope that this sitting-alone-at-home soon stops. I seem to need someone else's eyes on once in a while. Otoh, isn't that what the mailing lists are for...

> The PINOUT shows "reset SATA3/4" function GPIO_RST2 on pin #37
> of the 40 PIN GPIO header and "reset SATA 1/2" function
> GPIO_RST1 on pin #22 of that header. (There is more but
> this much seems to establish that more than USB is involved
> in using SATA drives.)

And so it is (usr/bin/rockpi-sata/, from [6])

def disk_turn_on():
    blk1 = get_blk()
    set_mode(26, GPIO.HIGH)
    set_mode(25, GPIO.HIGH)
    blk2 = get_blk()
    conf['disk'] = sorted(list(set(blk2) - set(blk1)))

def disk_turn_off():
    set_mode(26, GPIO.LOW)
    set_mode(25, GPIO.LOW)

Which are just pins 22 and 37 [7], [8] (blk.* just get the list of disks from Linux lsblk). So, it looks like that it boiled down to just setting the two pins to high, and the disks should be there (and gone if low)... That would be easy to test (and possible python for fan and display and so on to come later).

I find that gpioctl -l reports 54 GPIO pins. How does that relate to the 58 pins the BCM2711 has [9]? I also seem blind to the way we are assigning the pins... /usr/src/sys/contrib/device-tree/src/arm/bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dts also lists 58 as in [9].

Thanks again, and

All the best,



> > [1] I believe,
> > [2]
> > [3] Note: Later builds so far have not booted despite of current Firmware/Das U-Boot (March 2021)
> >    FreeBSD rpi4 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #1: Tue Feb 23 02:30:31 UTC 2021
> >    root at rpi4:/usr/obj/usr/src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC arm64
> > [4]
> > [5]

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