HEADS UP: NXP LS1046A SoC support in the tree

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at a9development.com
Wed Sep 30 11:16:16 UTC 2020

> Hello all,
> On behalf of the Semihalf team I'd like to announce that starting from
> r365054 FreeBSD is ready to run NXP LS1046A system-on-a-chip with most
> of the interfaces supported.
> LS1046A are quad-core 64-bit ARMv8 Cortex-A72 processors with
> integrated packet processing acceleration and high speed peripherals
> including 10 Gb Ethernet, PCIe 3.0, SATA 3.0 and USB 3.0 for a wide
> range of networking, storage, security and industrial applications. It
> is confirmed that at least some parts of the kernel support (such as
> SDHCI) was successfully used on the Solid-Run LX2K Honeycomb
> development platform.
> Below is the port status together with the features, which were
> originally developed on top of the release/11.2.0 that have made their
> way to FreeBSD-HEAD:
> -   LS1046A core support (Quad-CA72 SMP, timers, IRQS, UART)
>     -   already working in vanilla FreeBSD-HEAD before
> -   DWC3 USB3.0 host controller driver (FreeBSD-HEAD
>     version developed by manu@)
> -   VF610 I2C controller (adjusted to work with the LS1046A)
> -   TI LM75 temperature sensor (adjusted to work with the LS1046A)
> -   QorIQ platform clockgen
> -   LS1046A CPU clockgen
> -   LS1046A GPIO
> -   RX8803 I2C RTC
> -   TCA6416 I2C GPIO expander
> -   LS1046A AHCI
> -   LS1046A SDHCI
>     The major out-of-tree components are that albeit working on top of
>     release/11.2.0, still require significant effort to adopt to
>     FreeBSD-HEAD:
> -   DPAA network controller support
> -   QSPI controller support
>     This was a joined effort of Semihalf and Alstom Group (main
>     development sponsor), in particular:
>     Laurent Muller
>     David Fontaine
>     Yannis Planus
>     Artur Rojek
>     Dawid Górecki
>     Kornel Dulęba
>     Kamil Koczurek
>     Michał Stanek
>     Jacek Klimkowicz
>     Best regards,
>     Marcin

Excellent work, all!

Do you expect to port up the DPAA controller support or will you be leaving that for others?

And have you looked into what it would take to add DPAA2 support as well?

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