onboard wireless on rpi4

Klaus Cucinauomo maciphone2 at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 13 14:35:13 UTC 2020

Exactly the opposite of what you think:
FreeBSD has a secret language :
When those guys say NO( we will not trigger boot issue by cam probe fail) 
they want to say YES(we will leave the device untouched by cam and let it boot).


> Am 13.09.2020 um 14:03 schrieb tech-lists <tech-lists at zyxst.net>:
> GENERIC-MMCCAM has this:
> nodevice        mmcsd
> so, if it installs, I won't be able to reboot, because the system is on an sd
> card? So, is GENERIC-MMCCAM meant to be used with a bootable usb disk?
> is this correct?
> -- 
> J.

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