rpi4 / will zfs work?

tech-lists tech-lists at zyxst.net
Tue Sep 8 14:23:50 UTC 2020

On Tue, Sep 08, 2020 at 02:25:36PM +0100, tech-lists wrote:
>managed to solve this by making
>the last two lines in /etc/rc.conf, meaning that guessing the problem was
>usb3 loading later than zfs was correct. Maybe it's be an idea to put it in
>rc.conf.local instead, hmm

actually, that didn't fix it. What fixed it was a one-liner in cron @ reboot
running zpool import. ensures it happens after usb3 has settled down.

I'd be interested knowing the proper way to delay zfs until afer the usb3 has
come up.
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