rpi4-uefi.dev Re: RaspberryPi 4B 8G model not boot

Klaus Küchemann maciphone2 at googlemail.com
Sun May 31 15:30:39 UTC 2020

> Am 31.05.2020 um 16:14 schrieb Robert Crowston <crowston at protonmail.com>:
>> pcie isn`t exposed ( to the OS) in RPI4UEFI-dev , that’s what @AndrejWarkentin told us …
> Something about this doesn't make sense, because there is a PCI-E driver for OpenBSD that was written specifically for the Rpi4 UEFI.

OpenBSD`s pcie-driver for RPI4UEFI-dev targets DeviceTree (not ACPI), 
Meanwhile there  are  3 boot - options in their v 1.3  :
DeviceTree (only), ACPI (only) & ACPi & DeviceTree (both)

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