rpi4-uefi.dev Re: RaspberryPi 4B 8G model not boot
greg at unrelenting.technology
Sun May 31 00:49:44 UTC 2020
On May 30, 2020 9:37:22 PM UTC, "Klaus Küchemann" <maciphone2 at googlemail.com> wrote:
>.. O.K., why do we do an acpi-split if there’s nothing else than PNP0D10 in it ?
>NetBSD & OpenBSD don’t do that file-split , afaik
They don't have driver inheritance. We do, so the usual pattern for devices available with both acpi and fdt is to have them inherit from a common driver that doesn't attach.
>> Looks like the problem is that the PCIe controller isn't getting initialized,
>pcie isn`t exposed ( to the OS) in RPI4UEFI-dev , that’s what @AndrejWarkentin told us …
>And he told us what to do (in general, while not the easiest to understand ;-)
Yep. Something has to initialize the actual controller though, that's what _INI does. So the OS runs the AML bytecode and initializes PCIe without even knowing PCIe exists.
I'll maybe look into this again soon.
>( attention : QWord )
>cutoff of an OpenBSD-file :
That looks like just OpenBSD weirdness, the resources should be handled by generic acpi code.
>to anticipate it: if we have solved this problem, we will probably end up on vfs_mountroot because the uSD driver is not recognized under acpi, afaik
Screw uSD, I just put the OS on a USB stick and only the firmware on uSD.
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