BeagleBone AI

Sulev-Madis Silber madis555 at
Sat May 30 16:16:29 UTC 2020

worth mentioning anyway, as ideas kept to oneself are useless ideas

somehow noone else has replied so far, including ones i consider more
competent on subject

to me, ti am* soc seems like solid option. unsure if one wants to use
c.o.t.s. board for industrial use, though? i mean as opposed to designing
own pcb

when others finally arrive, they might want to correct me, but next
platform to consider (fbsd-support-wise) could be imx6

then there are allwinner socs which seem to be like more oriented towards
consumer mobile devices and rpi-class (media players?)

but nothing stops one from "abusing" readily available hw, if you ruggedize
it and take appropriate precautions :)

i hope you also found and maybe other
resources too (like related irc channels and forums)

On Saturday, May 30, 2020, Dr. Rolf Jansen <freebsd at> wrote:
> Thank you for replying. The system and network management for our project
happens to be ready. The interface board for the unit controllers with
signal conditioning and the ADCs/DACs/DIOs over I²C is in the prototyping
phase, and the only question left is now, with which SBC hardware we want
to deploy everything.
> Best regards
> Rolf
> Am 30.05.2020 um 04:07 schrieb Sulev-Madis Silber <madis555 at>:
> this might be not answer you're looking for, as it doesn't suggest new
hw, but, maybe you're interested looking into my hobby project for new /
fresh ideas, some of it can be seen at sure, i
kind of temporarly lost willpower or didn't have money to continue with
that so it's outdated, but i hope at least some of it help, as it does
somewhat similar thing (control server, watchdogged embedded clients doing
i/o, encrypted connections, dual-partition emmc safe upgrades, cli, webui)
> On Saturday, May 30, 2020, Dr. Rolf Jansen <freebsd at> wrote:
>> We are starting a new project of industrial device controllers. We want
to utilize ARM-SBCs as unit controllers (and here a unit is one industrial
device), and we need to attach at least 24 ADCs, 8 DACs and 16 DIOs to each
unit controller (UC). Many unit controllers (eventually tenths to hundreds)
would then communicate by a custom protocol over ethernet with a command
and control server. The UCs and the C&C server would be operated by
FreeBSD. Direct interoperability of the UCs with 3rd party IT systems is
not a concern, integration needs to be done via the C&C server.
>> Since the sample/update rate requirements are quite low, we are going
the I²C path, and initial testing has been done using the BeagleBone Black.
It got 2 separate I²C 400 kbit/s busses which helps already, avoiding I²C
address conflicts. Yet, the 8 port I²C switch TCA9548A is working very
well, and we are now sure to be able to attach enough ADCs, DACs and DIOs
to each unit controller.
>> Although the initial viability tests were done with a BeagleBone Black
running FreeBSD 13-CURRENT, we could start with another more modern SBC.
>> First Question:
>> What modern SBC with more than 1 I²C bus and which can run FreeBSD 13++
would you suggest?
>> Now recently, I found the BeagleBone AI site
 <>. This one got also 2 I²C busses, and
physically, with respect to a housing, it could be a 1:1 replacement for a
BBB. It seems, this one is still too new for FreeBSD. I am very fond of the
BB concept - for me it is much more appealing for industrial embedded
applications than for example any RPI. However, the BBB came to age, and I
would start a new project with it only, if there would be a reasonable
chance for an upgrade path.
>> Two more Questions:
>> Is it reasonable to assume that FreeBSD would run on a BBAI in the
future, let’s say in 2 to 3 years?
>> Perhaps I could help porting FreeBSD to a BBAI. What would be the
general steps?
>> Many thanks in advance for any suggestions, advices and clarifications.
>> Best regards
>> Rolf
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