RaspberryPi 4B 8G model not boot

Klaus Küchemann maciphone2 at googlemail.com
Sat May 30 15:58:49 UTC 2020

> Am 30.05.2020 um 17:45 schrieb Klaus Küchemann <maciphone2 at googlemail.com>:
> …….blablablaba...
> As far as I remember you own an RPI4 , did you do a test of the pcie-driver or are you willing to 
> make a test ?.. would help a lot …(I suspect you saw the results of my tests..)
> Thank you
Mark,...to be more specific:
Yes, in theory it is possible that it could be even necessary for the 4GB(2Gig/1Gig)- models 
to update the files you mentioned(armstub/overlays and so on ) for judging problems with the pcie-driver.
That’s why it would be very helpful if you could test Robert`s pcie-driver  in YOUR configuration on your RPI4-model.
Okay, pretty dirty work .. but that's how we are, right? thanks in advance! ;-)

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