FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Sun May 24 22:05:12 UTC 2020

> > Booted with NetBSD -current
> > Generic 64-bit
> > Build: 202005232000Z
> > SHA256: c64278c292489674215f9ecd335f2cbf01b99c2886f03a76b24415cd1c24d255
> >
> > Found the onboard eMMC (sdmmc1), so that's nice. But it panicked with the SAS HBA attached. Removed
> > it and wired a drive straight up to the SATA ports, but fdisk doesn't like it. Smelling more like a
> > firmware problem now...
> What was the panic? How about with the NVMe drive?
> It's quite possible that the SATA controller on this hardware is buggy and
> not fully standards compliant (there are fsl_ahci drivers after all for NXP stuff),
> but what's weird is that we're failing so early, with interrupt configuration.
> It's.. interesting that there are three interrupts for the controller.
> I do have a suspicion related to this now..
> This new build might do something about AHCI.
> Also PMU should be fixed, I would appreciate it if you tested it
> (kldload hwpmc; pmcstat -S INST_RETIRED -T; wait a few seconds, it should show samples)
> Back to your previous FreeBSD log:
> >
> intr_setup_irq(): irq 288 add handler error 0 on mps0
> I'm not sure why the interrupt handler prints before intr_setup_irq o_0
> but it was called, right after the IOCCapabilities line when we want it,
> so now I'm less inclined to think that the PCIe bug is interrupts not working..
> Maybe some config writes aren't taking effect after all but in that case I would expect
> more spectacular explosions earlier in the boot process.
> I've sent a link to a known firmware build before:
> Have you tried it? Any difference in FreeBSD/NetBSD, with NVMe?

Okay, lots of stuff here...

1. The latest build didn't get far at all, no matter what hardware combo I threw at it. Something about the GIC...

2. NetBSD was... non-deterministic? The first time I tried booting it died real quick:

```>> NetBSD/evbarm efiboot (arm64), Revision 1.14 (Sat May 23 19:56:00 UTC 2020)
Press return to boot now, any other key for boot prompt
booting netbsd - starting in 0 seconds.
8178256+3541800+3616864+1509312 [558263+925152+674300]=0x12f2ec0

ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = Not Found)
ASSERT [RuntimeDxe] /work/build/tianocore/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/Runtime.c(315): !EFI_ERROR (Status)

Bounced the system and it came back up in full. No idea what happened there the first time...

But it sees the NVMe stick AND both the root sd card and the firmware sd card! And I was able to at least read their geometries with fdisk! Progress!

I also decided to just go back to the stock u-boot + LSDK 19.09, just to grab the console output during boot. Sure enough, it does see the HDD and NVMe drives. I tried it with the UEFI, but of course the Debian image I flashed was MBR...

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