FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Sun May 24 15:11:32 UTC 2020

> > I also looked more closely at mps, and actually "just polling I/O" does work. We see:
> > mps0: IOCCapabilities: 1285c<ScsiTaskFull,DiagTrace,SnapBuf,EEDP,TransRetry,EventReplay,HostDisc>
> > and that means mps_request_sync (called by mps_get_iocfacts) has worked.
> > And the command completion actually seems to come from interrupts.
> > I've heard something about MSI(X) not working for the Linux people (not NetBSD though!),
> > so I guess the next thing to try would be booting with hw.pci.enable_msi=0 hw.pci.enable_msi=1
> lol, I mean, hw.pci.enable_msi=0 hw.pci.enable_msix=0

Still roughly the same:

And NVMe still panics during boot, so pulled that at least for now.

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