FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Sat May 23 01:07:52 UTC 2020

> > > > I spent some time looking at that NetBSD Layerscape code - I couldn't figure out how to add it
> > > > trivially to the current HEAD on my own, so I'm looking forward to seeing how we're going to yeet
> > > > that in for testing...
> > > > Something like this:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Line 404: panic: Misaligned access from kernel space!
> > > oops, I actually have to care about the`bytes` parameter..
> > > at least I got the ACPI-walking on the first try :)
> > >
> >
> >
> hmmm. there's now a pcib2: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci1
> and it actually does allocate memory, after the root fails to:
> pcib1: rman_reserve_resource: start=0x670000000, end=0x67003ffff, count=0x40000
> pcib1: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=3, rid=28, start=0000000670000000, end=000000067003ffff, count=0000000000040000, flags=4800
> pcib2: allocated memory range (0x70040000-0x7007ffff) for rid 1c of pci1:1:0:0
> iiiinteresting. Try to kldload mpr/mps/whatever? Also insert the nvme drive

It just kept looping like that for about 5min before I killed it. But it definitely reads the firmware version correctly - it's been on a shelf for a while. But I'm thinking maybe the card isn't initializing right - there's none of the usual output during POST - so I'm going to dig up that PCI power cable and the RX480 tomorrow and try those.

As for NVMe, it panics before I get to a shell.

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