Missing /dev/io on rpi3 running 12-stable

Mikaël Urankar mikael.urankar at gmail.com
Wed May 20 17:09:50 UTC 2020

Le mer. 20 mai 2020 à 18:46, bob prohaska <fbsd at www.zefox.net> a écrit :
> Is there supposed to be a /dev/io by default in FreeBSD on a Pi3?
> Attempts to start X under 12.1-STABLE r361271 GENERIC fail with
> a report of "failed to open /dev/io". There is indeed no /dev/io,
> but there's also no /dev/io on a pi2 running 12-stable.
> Nor does there seem to be  a kernel module with matching name....
> Thanks for reading!
> bob prohaska

I haven't looked closely but it seems the error is in
x11-servers/xorg-server/files/configure.ac, AC_DEFINE(USE_DEV_IO)

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