FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X
greg at
greg at
Tue May 19 19:22:44 UTC 2020
May 19, 2020 9:17 PM, "Dan Kotowski" <dan.kotowski at> wrote:
>>> I can't find the PCIe cables for my PSU right now, so the RX480 is out until I have time to dig
>>> through The Cable Box Of Doom. But I do have a spare LSI SAS HBA that I'll try after lunch!
>> Yeah, mpr/mps drivers are present, would be an okay thing to try.
> Latest dmesg.boot:
> The HBA came up as pci1 on pcib1 (line 105). And, as expected since it came up as a generic PCI
> device rather than MPR/MPS, the attached drive doesn't show up. And yes, I did confirm that mpr.ko
> and mps.ko are present in /boot/kernel/
The problem is not that the driver isn't loaded (you can always just kldload it manually), it's this sadness:
pcib1: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=4, rid=16, start=0000000000040000, end=00000000000400ff, count=0000000000000100, flags=2000
pcib1: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=4, rid=16, start=0000000000000000, end=ffffffffffffffff, count=0000000000000100, flags=2000
pcib1: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=3, rid=20, start=0000000670440000, end=0000000670443fff, count=0000000000004000, flags=3800
pcib1: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=3, rid=28, start=0000000670000000, end=000000067003ffff, count=0000000000040000, flags=4800
Looking at NetBSD code, we might need to implement support for the custom NXP0016 config device:
I'll have time to attempt a blind port of that code next week :D
There is a way to get any stock OS (even Windows!) to work with this PCIe controller,
but it involves awful hacks and legacy interrupts, unacceptable stuff:
so you'll have to wait for now.
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