FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Tue May 19 13:43:40 UTC 2020

> Let's try this kernel:
> -   SDHCI included lol
> -   not including the GIC interrupt improvement from - might help with ahci interrupts? maybe?
> -   I2C support ( + ACPI attachment) not that it's urgently needed, but why not, that was easy enough, I wonder if it would attach or, knowing my luck, crash :D

Getting closer...


sdhci_acpi0-slot0 seems to have hung the boot process for almost 5min waiting for various timeouts.

Also this:

mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on sdhci_acpi0
mmc0: No compatible cards found on bus

And still seeing the AHCI interrupt issue

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