FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Tue May 19 03:26:07 UTC 2020

> > > You still should do kern.cfg.order=acpi, is it on?
> >
> > Weirdly when I set that it hangs and drops into the mountroot> shell again, while leaving it unset
> > lets me boot into the installer.
> >
> Okay, so now you have PCIe but not USB.
> (You're reading the log, right? Not weird to see mountroot if you haven't seen USB in the log.)
> Actually SATA is supposed to work too, it's odd that you're not seeing AHCI.
> (I was being stupid when I said they have custom SATA, lol)
> Also, there's generic PNP0D40 for SDHCI, but we don't recognize that. we should.
> Make sure your firmware is up to date, is your edk2-platforms
> exactly the same as master-lx2160a branch on github currently?
> Specifically make sure these changes are in:
> Test on that linked build if the log was from your build, and vice versa.
> Here's a kernel that should also recognize SDHCI (eMMC?),
> with the amdgpu driver as a bonus :)

Forgot to add this to the previous post, the full output from acpiview:

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