FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Mon May 18 19:22:38 UTC 2020

> Same as in it still says "using DTB"?
> I wonder if that's the same weirdness I saw on the RPi4,
> FreeBSD failing acpi_find_table(ACPI_SIG_SPCR) even though the SPCR table
> is present and deciding we don't have ACPI..
> You could try my current kernel which has has_acpi hardcoded to true
> (extract into the root of the memstick's ufs partition):

Yes, it does still say "using DTB"

Also, your kernel works! Or at least I'm into the installer. It doesn't see the onboard eMMC in the Partition Editor, but once I have the NVMe gumstick in hand I'll pick back this back up.

Is there a reason that we can't use on the DTBs compiled from SolidRun and NXP's sources?

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