FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Mon May 18 15:36:46 UTC 2020

> > > > The 12.1 aarch64 memstick installer iamge fails out trying to mount the UFS partition and drops into the mountroot> shell with error 19. Listing GEOM managed disk devices returned an empty list.
> > >
> > > What devices does the boot log show? No xhci I guess, how about pci, sdhci?
> >
> > Does this answer your question?
> > If not, I'll happily run what's needed to get you something better.
> No, the interesting part is the kernel boot log (dmesg) – the one where you saw the mountroot prompt!


2 files to truncate the >100 empty lines dumped to the console between them.

> > Load Device: eMMC(0xCA)
> huh, wait, where was the memstick image written to again?

Artifact of a Layer 8 failure, you can ignore that console output...

> > > Please don't waste time on u-boot.
> >
> > Any particular reason? Most of SolidRun's documentation is based on u-boot, the online documentation from u-boot and the in-console help lines have been much easier to follow, and I'm finding it has a lot more capability to interact with the underlying systems - e.g. reading/writing arbitrary blobs from/to memory/disk.
> u-boot does not support ACPI, and only ACPI is appropriate for running non-Linux OSes on this hardware.
> Upstream development is focused on EDK2 with ACPI and approaching SBSA compliance. People have managed to run OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Windows.

Noted, I'll stick to UEFI then.

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