Recommended arm hardware (mostly for compilation)?

Mark Millard marklmi at
Sun May 17 19:45:27 UTC 2020

On 2020-May-14, at 09:44, Philipp Klaus Krause <pkk at> wrote:

> Am 14.05.20 um 17:30 schrieb Dan Kotowski:
>> I have a SolidRun HoneyComb workstation board based on the LX2K and can confirm it's quite powerful, […]
> Looking at the specifications, I haven't yet found anything on how much
> energy those LX2K or MACCHIATObin boards need and what kind of power
> supply would be necessary for a minimal system.

HoneyComb-LX2K-datasheet.pdf reports:

Safety Notice

	• This device is to be used with Certified Power adaptor with output rated 12VDC, 1.5A. Power adapter must meet Limited power source (LPS) requirements.

	• Power adapter must meet local safety standards and requirements based on product intended use.

	• Power adapter must meet Operating environment conditions as specified above.

LPS could be looked up for more information.

(A "minimal system" would not have anything in the PCIe slot,
for example.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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