FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X

Marcin Wojtas mw at
Thu May 14 15:43:26 UTC 2020

Hi Dan,

czw., 14 maj 2020 o 17:32 Dan Kotowski
<dan.kotowski at> napisał(a):
> I'm wondering if anybody knows of work being done to port FreeBSD to the Layerscape platforms?
> I happen to have a SolidRun HoneyComb LX2K workstation, based on NXP's Layerscape LX2160A, next to my desk running a custom-multistrapped Debian Jessie build, but would love to get FreeBSD running instead. I have only minimal experience working down in BSD driver/kernel land and no experience at all with Crochet, but would like to learn. And while I cannot afford to donate the actual hardware I'm happy to work with others to test builds.
> Fortunately SolidRun provides the full DeviceTree and firmware sources in GitHub:
> And some documentation about the board from their main website:
> Given how much information and source SolidRun has provided this might be a very simple build and bootstrap process - I just have no idea where to begin. SolidRun has some documentation on building for their Armada A38x micro-SOMs:
> Unforunately that relies on KERNCONF=ARMADA38X and I think that's going to miss support for all the nicest parts of the Layerscape 2160X.

The howto is a bit dated. Since about 2 years, Armada 38x has been
using the GENERIC config for armv7. Anyway it has nothing in common
with the arm64 LS2160X.

Best regards,

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