64-bit extensions for Cadence if_cgem.c driver.

Thomas Skibo thomas-bsd at skibo.net
Mon Mar 30 17:45:45 UTC 2020


I have been working on 64-bit extensions to the Cadence GEM Ethernet driver
(dev/cadence/if_cgem.c).  The GEM is used not only in the Zynq platform but
also the Zynq UltraScale+ and the SiFve Highfive Unleashed (riscv) platforms.
I finally got hardware that let me test the driver on a Zynq UltraScale. (I
have an Ultra96 board with a 96B four-port Ethernet mezzanine card.)

It will need a bit more testing but I think I am ready to put it up
for review on phabricator.  But, I have also fixed up a lot of style and
white-space issues in the driver.  Does it make sense to submit those changes
first as a separate review before putting my functional changes up on

Or should I submit it all at once?


Thomas Skibo
thomas-bsd at skibo.net

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