Switch to UEFI Re: CFT: alpha test of Ethernet driver for RPi4
Klaus Küchemann
maciphone2 at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 29 17:25:30 UTC 2020
> Am 29.03.2020 um 18:17 schrieb Mike Karels <mike at karels.net>:
> I’m ready to provide source to individual testers, but not to publish it yet. For anyone that wants to try it, I can provide source and maybe a kernel; I’m not set up to do full images. I’ll also note that I’m testing using a kernel that is not recent, because it boots with my current u-boot, but I suspect it will work fine with a recent kernel.
Well, Mike, you posted to a public mailing - list and not to individual persons,
so we could have more benefit to help you, ourselves and FreeBSD if we would know about which code from you we discuss.
Since it's called FreeBSD you can of course feel free to do(or let be) what you want :-)
But we cannot discuss your work if you keep it away from us...
If you think your code is not ready for phab or bugs@ ,
you could just put snippets in a public gist or something similar...
Just my few cents, please don't feel offended ,
But why not discuss your code here if you posted here ?
We don't need disk-images from you nor do we need compiled kernel, nor u-boot, we need your src-tree(context) to test your code but a gist (-diff) ( with pasted in copyright of jmcneill) could also help out ...
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