FYI: head -r358966 -> -r359376 and RPi4: -r359376 fails to boot (unless I use boot -v) where -r358966 booted fine before update

Mark Millard marklmi at
Sun Mar 29 02:58:42 UTC 2020

[Just correcting a persistent version number typo:
head -r359376 is correct, not -r359736 . Subject
corrected too.]

On 2020-Mar-28, at 18:18, Mark Millard <marklmi> wrote:

> On 2020-Mar-28, at 17:14, Mark Millard <marklmi at> wrote:
>> I use a microsd card that is set up for booting both
>> a Rock64 and a RPi4: the dd'd u-boot vs. the RPi4
>> specific materials are in independent places and
>> the rest is shared and rather generic.
>> So at head -r358966 I'd been able to both the
>> Rock64 and the RPi4 from the same media.
>> Now with head -r359736 in place instead:

Make that: -r358376 .

>> A) The Rock64 boots via that media just fine.
>> B) The RPi4 fails to boot (nothing special
>>  like "boot -v").
>> C) The RPi4 with "boot -v" boots just fine.
>>  (This makes identifying the issue non-obvious.)
> Booting the old kernel seems to consistently
> work (unload, load, boot sequence).
> boot -v of the new kernel can fail.
> Plain boot of the new kernel can on occasion
> boot.
> This makes for more comparable output
> difference checking . . .
> Dealing with pain boot 1st (then I'll
> show the boot -v comparison), I show
> just differences in the captured output
> . . .
> EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image
> 679248 bytes read in 91 ms (7.1 MiB/s)
> libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
> vs.
> EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image
> 679248 bytes read in 90 ms (7.2 MiB/s)
> libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
> Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...               
> vs.
> Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel] in 9 seconds... 
> Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
> OK boot
> Extra lines on "it boots" case, after the first 2
> "REGSITER DUMP"s, starting inside the 3rd
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Argument: 0x000001aa | Trn mode: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Present:  0x000f0000 | Host ctl: 0x00000001
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Power:    0x0000000f | Blk gap:  0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Wake-up:  0x00000000 | Clock:    0x0000fa07
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Timeout:  0x00000000 | Int stat: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Int enab: 0x01ff00bb | Sig enab: 0x01ff00bb
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Host ctl2:0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Caps:     0x00000000 | Caps2:    0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Max curr: 0x00000001 | ADMA err: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ADMA addr:0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ===========================================
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Got command interrupt 0x00030000, but there is no active command.
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ============== REGISTER DUMP ==============
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Sys addr: 0x00000000 | Version:  0x00009902
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Blk size: 0x00000000 | Blk cnt:  0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Argument: 0x000001aa | Trn mode: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Present:  0x000f0000 | Host ctl: 0x00000001
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Power:    0x0000000f | Blk gap:  0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Wake-up:  0x00000000 | Clock:    0x0000fa07
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Timeout:  0x00000000 | Int stat: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Int enab: 0x01ff00bb | Sig enab: 0x01ff00bb
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Host ctl2:0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Caps:     0x00000000 | Caps2:    0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Max curr: 0x00000001 | ADMA err: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ADMA addr:0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ===========================================
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Got command interrupt 0x00030000, but there is no active command.
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ============== REGISTER DUMP ==============
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Sys addr: 0x00000000 | Version:  0x00009902
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Blk size: 0x00000000 | Blk cnt:  0x00000000
> Extra lines on the "it fails to boot" side:
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Controller timeout
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: ============== REGISTER DUMP ==============
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Sys addr: 0x000006c8 | Version:  0x00001002
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Blk size: 0x00000200 | Blk cnt:  0x00000001
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Argument: 0x0ee2afc1 | Trn mode: 0x00000036
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Present:  0x1fff0a06 | Host ctl: 0x00000007
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Power:    0x0000000f | Blk gap:  0x00000080
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Wake-up:  0x00000000 | Clock:    0x00000107
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Timeout:  0x00000003 | Int stat: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Int enab: 0x01ff003b | Sig enab: 0x01ff003b
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Host ctl2:0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Caps:     0x45ee6432 | Caps2:    0x0000a525
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Max curr: 0x00080008 | ADMA err: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: ADMA addr:0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: ===========================================
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> After one "Root mount waiting for: CAM"
> that both have, the failing side has:
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 10 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2.
> Loader variables:
>  vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root
>  vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw,noatime
> Manual root filesystem specification:
>  <fstype>:<device> [options]
>      Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
>      and with the specified (optional) option list.
>    eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a
>        zfs:zroot/ROOT/default
>        cd9660:/dev/cd0 ro
>          (which is equivalent to: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0 /)
>  ?               List valid disk boot devices
>  .               Yield 1 second (for background tasks)
>  <empty line>    Abort manual input
> mountroot> ?
> List of GEOM managed disk devices:
>  mmcsd0
> mountroot> 
> As for the "it boots" side of the comparison:
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Warning: no time-of-day clock registered, system time will not be set accurately
> Setting hostuuid: a4f7fbeb-f668-11de-b280-ebb65474e619.
> Setting hostid: 0xcd8e9e25.
> Starting file system checks:
> /dev/label/RPi4root: clean, 19046293 free (498933 frags, 2318420 blocks, 1.8% fragmentation)
> (And so on.)
> By contrast, the failing boot -v
> comparison goes like (not much is
> different between the two boot -v
> instances) . . .
> The working one had a 3rd REGISTER DUMP
> before the mmc0 bus width notice that the
> failing one did not have:
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Got command interrupt 0x00030000, but there is no active command.
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ============== REGISTER DUMP ==============
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Sys addr: 0x00000000 | Version:  0x00009902
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Blk size: 0x00000000 | Blk cnt:  0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Argument: 0x000001aa | Trn mode: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Present:  0x000f0000 | Host ctl: 0x00000001
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Power:    0x0000000f | Blk gap:  0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Wake-up:  0x00000000 | Clock:    0x0000fa07
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Timeout:  0x00000000 | Int stat: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Int enab: 0x01ff00bb | Sig enab: 0x01ff00bb
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Host ctl2:0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Caps:     0x00000000 | Caps2:    0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: Max curr: 0x00000001 | ADMA err: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ADMA addr:0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm1-slot0: ===========================================
> where both then had:
> mmc0: setting bus width to 4 bits high speed timing
> The failing boot -v ended with:
> CPU  1: ARM Cortex-A72 r0p3 affinity:  1
> CPU  2: ARM Cortex-A72 r0p3 affinity:  2
> CPU  3: ARM Cortex-A72 r0p3 affinity:  3
> regulator: shutting down unused regulators
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Controller timeout
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: ============== REGISTER DUMP ==============
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Sys addr: 0x000006c8 | Version:  0x00001002
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Blk size: 0x00000200 | Blk cnt:  0x00000001
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Argument: 0x0ee2afc1 | Trn mode: 0x00000036
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Present:  0x1fff0a06 | Host ctl: 0x00000007
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Power:    0x0000000f | Blk gap:  0x00000080
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Wake-up:  0x00000000 | Clock:    0x00000107
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Timeout:  0x00000003 | Int stat: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Int enab: 0x01ff003b | Sig enab: 0x01ff003b
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: AC12 err: 0x00000000 | Host ctl2:0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Caps:     0x45ee6432 | Caps2:    0x0000a525
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: Max curr: 0x00080008 | ADMA err: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: ADMA addr:0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
> sdhci_bcm0-slot0: ===========================================
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> mmcsd0: Error indicated: 1 Timeout
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 10 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 9 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 8 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 7 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 6 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 5 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 4 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 3 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 2 more seconds
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2; retrying for 1 more second
> Mounting from ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root failed with error 2.
> Loader variables:
>  vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/label/RPi4root
>  vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw,noatime
> Manual root filesystem specification:
>  <fstype>:<device> [options]
>      Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
>      and with the specified (optional) option list.
>    eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a
>        zfs:zroot/ROOT/default
>        cd9660:/dev/cd0 ro
>          (which is equivalent to: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0 /)
>  ?               List valid disk boot devices
>  .               Yield 1 second (for background tasks)
>  <empty line>    Abort manual input
> mountroot> 
> The working boot -v instead had for that last area of the
> above output:
> CPU  1: ARM Cortex-A72 r0p3 affinity:  1
> CPU  2: ARM Cortex-A72 r0p3 affinity:  2
> CPU  3: ARM Cortex-A72 r0p3 affinity:  3
> Root mount waiting for:regulator: shutting down unused regulators
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Root mount waiting for: CAM
> Warning: no time-of-day clock registered, system time will not be set accurately
> start_init: trying /sbin/init
> Setting hostuuid: a4f7fbeb-f668-11de-b280-ebb65474e619.
> Setting hostid: 0xcd8e9e25.
> Starting file system checks:
> /dev/label/RPi4root: clean, 19057570 free (498234 frags, 2319917 blocks, 1.8% fragmentation)
> (I omit the rest.)
> That is it for output differences for
> boot -v.
> I'll note that "shutdown -r now" does not reboot
> but just stops after the "Uptime:" message line.
> I do not expect that this is new.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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