Switch to UEFI Re: CFT: alpha test of Ethernet driver for RPi4

Klaus Küchemann maciphone2 at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 28 22:36:19 UTC 2020

> Am 28.03.2020 um 23:15 schrieb greg at unrelenting.technology:
> March 29, 2020 12:23 AM, "Klaus Küchemann via freebsd-arm" <freebsd-arm at freebsd.org> wrote:
>> I`m also working on pi4 a little while not ready…
>> I recommend to switch the whole RPI-thing to UEFI/ ACPI, J.McNeill is working on that , afaik…
> He's working on NetBSD a lot, but not on FreeBSD.

He is working on RPiUefi/TianoCore and NetBSD is the only OS which has already integrated 
the Ethernet driver into UEFI with a published Mac-Adress

>> So next step I see is to implement ACPI-xhci-driver since FreeBSD-boot PANICS on xhci-
> That's not "implement a driver", that's "fix a bug" :)
> I was looking into this a month ago..
> For some reason reading from the XHCI's memory space returns junk like 0xdead.
> And seems like nobody has seen that problem on NetBSD or Linux.
> I'll test this a bit more now.
I know the exact place where it panics(IRQ-message) and 
at first glance I would say: the driver is incomplete and not fully implemented(only for allwinner) , but let`s take a closer look there and work on it …

> Once we get that working, and the Ethernet driver port is published, I could add ACPI attachment to the Ethernet driver.
>> The good news is that I first saw USB working in UEFI-boot...…the ethernet driver should then later
>> correspond or to be integrated into UEFI … nice to boot from a „Bios“ -style menu with a plugged
>> USB-keyboard...
> Yeah, eventually there's going to be a NetBSD-derived Ethernet driver in UEFI for network booting.
Yes, afaik they are planning to do that


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