Belated out of swap kill on rpi3 at r359216

Mark Millard marklmi at
Thu Mar 26 23:25:28 UTC 2020

On 2020-Mar-26, at 15:06, bob prohaska <fbsd at> wrote:

> Just to wrap up, I tend to agree that 
> delays writing to the microSD filesystem were 
> blocking swap traffic and causing OOM kills. 
> Turning off OOM allowed the OS build/install 
> to complete successfully. 

There are still 2 types of "uma zone exhausted"
issues that can lead to OOM activity, as well
as vm.pageout_oom_seq being more of a "needs to
be sufficiently large" than a direct-disable
of the OOM handling of sustained-low-free-RAM
periods. (And, only trying examples establishes
what figures are sufficient for specific

> Why this behavior started recently is less clear.
> The card was placed in service in October of 2018 and
> has been in strenuous use since then. The first hints
> of trouble occurred in late 2019. Perhaps this phenomenon
> is a useful warning of impending wearout.

I'm not sure of the relative timing, but
vm.pfault_oom_attempts and vm.pfault_oom_wait are
fairly new and were (are still?) specific to head
at 13. I expect they were in place for a while
before we learned of them and what to do with them
( and so started using vm.pfault_oom_attempts=-1 ).

This is sort of like vm.pageout_oom_seq being around
for a long time before I learned of it and the
background to understand using it: Mark J.'s earlier
material from an earlier round of finding why OOM
activity was happening on small arm boards.

> The gstat logs are at 
> in case anybody's curious.

One of the unfortunate things is that having the logging
of gstat and such also go to the same media (or even over
a common channel but different media) also adds to the
competing I/O load for paging/swapping.

Also, if I remember right, all USB ports on the RPi3 share
a common channel in the path (internal USB hub), limiting
the utility of using multiple USB drives for helping
manage these issues. It might be that one USB drive and
one microsd card are as far as one can go for independent
channels (ignoring WiFi and such). Microsd cards have
issues of their own when involved, however.

Side note:

I've got access to the old RPi3 because the Pine64+2GB
is having problems with I/O failures to longterm media
(microsd cards, USB media directly attached, USB media
via a powered hub). It might go a week without failure
but when it does it tends to be a large sequence of
failures. Various separate media all got such a
problem eventually. I'm trying to see if the RPi3 also
gets such issues with some of the same media the
Pine64+2GB did.

Anyway, I may, for a time, have one context that is
more like yours than is normal for me. As stands, the
RPi3 is doing a from-scratch buildworld buildkernel .
(Reconstructing the head -r358966 that it is already
running.) It is not splitting the I/O load but is
using a USB SSD (via a powered hub), not the microsd
card. No extra logging. vm.pfault_oom_attempts=-1
and vm.pageout_oom_seq=120 for this attempt. 3072
MiBytes of page/swap space. It is a -j4 build attempt.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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