Upgrading u-boot on an rpi3

bob prohaska fbsd at www.zefox.net
Wed Mar 18 05:42:28 UTC 2020

Upgrading u-boot on an rpi3 running -current is turning out to be
more involved than expected. Updating /boot/msdos/u-boot.bin didn't
do the trick, getting stuck at the u-boot> prompt.

Backing out the change by putting the old u-boot.bin in place
restored the normal boot behavior, so I don't think the mischief
is owed to anything else I might have screwed up.

I noticed there was a metadata file in /usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi3,
but copying that along with the new u-boot.bin to /boot/msdos
reproduced the previous failure.

This is a self-hosting machine, with ports at 528581,
kernel and world are at 351836. Sources are at 358976 

Could the self-hosting be the source of the trouble?
The "no mmc device at slot 0" looks rather odd, given
that the boot device is mmcsd0.

Here's an excerpt from the console:

Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
MMC Device 0 not found
no mmc device at slot 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1 is current device
Scanning mmc 1:1...
Found EFI removable media binary efi/boot/bootaa64.efi
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
Scanning disk mmc at 7e300000.blk...
Found 3 disks
BootOrder not defined
EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image
637000 bytes read in 63 ms (9.6 MiB/s)
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
Consoles: EFI console  
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=0 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=64 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=1 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=250085376 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=0 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=64 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=1 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=250085376 size=1 status=2
FreeBSD/arm64 EFI loader, Revision 1.1

   Command line arguments: loader.efi
   EFI version: 2.80
   EFI Firmware: Das U-Boot (rev 8217.4096)
   Console: efi (0)
   Load Path: /efi\boot\bootaa64.efi
   Load Device: /VenHw(e61d73b9-a384-4acc-aeab-82e828f3628b)/SD(1)/SD(0)/HD(1,0x01,0,0x81f,0x18fa8)
Trying ESP: /VenHw(e61d73b9-a384-4acc-aeab-82e828f3628b)/SD(1)/SD(0)/HD(1,0x01,0,0x81f,0x18fa8)
Setting currdev to disk0p1:
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=0 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=64 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=1 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=250085376 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=0 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=64 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=1 size=1 status=2
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=250085376 size=1 status=2
Trying: /VenHw(e61d73b9-a384-4acc-aeab-82e828f3628b)/SD(1)/SD(0)/HD(2,0x01,0,0x197c7,0xee66839)
Setting currdev to disk0p2:
efipart_readwrite: rw=1, blk=0 size=1 status=2

Thanks for reading,

bob prohaska

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