Adding a swap partition to the March 5 snapshot image

bob prohaska fbsd at
Fri Mar 6 19:49:46 UTC 2020

On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 10:24:01AM -0800, Mark Millard wrote:
> you need to do the growfs for /dev/mmcsd0s2a .
> Note: Some of the information may be stored at the
> end of the partition, such as the information for
> /dev/ufs/NAME (labeling). Thus the lack of a growfs
> might explain the lack of the lack of the label: it
> has not been moved to the right place yet.
[large sigh]

It's amazing how much I can forget in a year and a half.......

Apologies for the noise and thanks for your patience!.

bob prohaska

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