Adding a swap partition to the March 5 snapshot image

Mark Millard marklmi at
Fri Mar 6 05:42:07 UTC 2020

On 2020-Mar-5, at 21:26, Mark Millard <marklmi at> wrote:

> On 2020-Mar-5, at 20:54, bob prohaska <fbsd at> wrote:
>> I've been trying for a while to set up an armv7 RPI2 with a single
>> root partition plus a swap partition at the end of mmcsd0. Letting
>> firstboot invoke growfs seems not to help, since growfs leaves no
>> space for swap.
>> Attempts using gpart in single-user give the appearance of 
>> working, but on reboot the machine stops at the mountroot prompt.
>> This method worked well in July of 2018. Seemingly, no more. 
>> Has something changed? 
>> Mounting the armv7 card on a second Freebsd box and making the changes 
>> appears to work also, but on the initial boot (firstboot disabled) the 
>> machine stops at the mountroot prompt on initial boot.
>> If there's a better way to pursue the same end I'd be grateful for
>> a hint. Perhaps giving a swap size  parameter to firstboot? 
> You have not reported what shows if you enter a "?" command at the
> mountroot prompt. (As I remember that lists what mount root
> classifies as available.)
> That might prove to be useful information.

Ahh, "March 5 snapshot image"? The only head 20200305 images are
for amd64: everything else failed to build for head -r358658 .

Are you using stable/12 images? Those built ( 12.1-STABLE -r358659 ),
including for RPI2.

All stable/11 builds failed.

(You seem to usually use head but did not comment on using
stable/12. So I'm just checking the context here.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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