RockPro64 with u-boot 2010.01
Emmanuel Vadot
manu at
Tue Mar 3 18:17:52 UTC 2020
On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 18:55:57 +0100
Klaus Küchemann <maciphone2 at> wrote:
> > Am 03.03.2020 um 18:28 schrieb Bernd Walter <ticso at>:
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 05:58:22PM +0100, Klaus Küchemann wrote:
> >>
> >> ??..
> >
> > Ok - there are two likely unrelated issues.
> > First is that my self build u-boot 2020.01 didn't boot and your
> > build worked fine.
> >
> The problem is that when the u-boot ports-maintainer begins to talk about
> the distance of the sun to earth, I answer with IceCream ,
> and he replies with talking about his new shaver :-) Ha Ha
> So probably a language barrier of both of us ..
> So we could not make a ?deal? for upgrading the fbsd-u-boot-port to it`s current version so far?
You reached out to me privately to say that you wanted to update the
u-boot port, I told you that there will be problem with rockchip but
that you should try to update the ports. Your response was that you
will not do that because you didn't wanted to "disturb my workflow" and
"steal my time" and that I'm the "u-boot man" or whatever.
If you want to update u-boot, please send patches and make sure that
everything is working on most of the boards that we support. If you
don't have a lot of boards reach out to people for a call or testing.
I'll also note that you've never compiled u-boot from our ports tree,
I don't know if you ever compiled u-boot since you've talked about the
openbsd port, and their ATF contain some patches for rockchip which
makes me think again that an ATF update is needed (but haven't had time
yet to try myself).
> > Then there is the USB card reader problem within FreeBSD,
> > which I hadn't when I booted the very same system with the
> > u-boot 2019.10, which I installed via package on my 12.1 amd64.
> > Maybe the 2G vs 4G RAM avoided triggering the bug - who knows.
> > I just mentioned it in the same thread since it happened to me after
> > using the newer u-boot (and therefor the full 4G RAM).
> >
> > --
> > B.Walter <bernd at>
> > Modbus/TCP Ethernet I/O Baugruppen, ARM basierte FreeBSD Rechner uvm.
> At the moment I can only say that the card reader-panic has nothing to do with the 4GB Ram itself, but as you suspect, it perhaps could have to do with what the fbds-kernel is ?doing? with that additionally 2 Gigs?
> I?ll give it GENERIC-MMCCAM and then I?ll look if the issue consists...
I don't see how MMCCAM will help for an usb card reader.
Also dwmmc doesn't have MMCCAM code so you will not able to boot from
> Regards
> Klaus
Emmanuel Vadot <manu at>
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