Raspberry Pi 4: no USB?

Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 21 15:32:14 UTC 2020

[This ends up reporting a possible USB3 issue.]

On 2020-Jun-21, at 03:37, Robert Crowston via freebsd-arm <freebsd-arm at freebsd.org> wrote:

> There are two options at present.
> 1. You can use the UEFI loader instead of U-Boot, where I understand USB now works. However, I think it is serial only, no HDMI. (?)

Despite needed to select serial-console mode in UEFI in order
to boot, HDMI worked just fine on the 4 GiByte RPi4 that I
have access to. (Not that I usually use such.) For example,
I started up lumina when doing basic tests.

However, Ethernet and mmcsd0 do not show up in FreeBSD. I've
had to use a USB Ethernet to have Ethernet.

The following may be a function of the conditions/configuration
I'm experimenting with. For example over_voltage=6 and
arm_freq=2000 and it is the 1st time using two USB3 devices (SSD
and Ethernet): no powered hub involved (yet). I've not investigated
variations yet. I am using a 5.1V 3.5A power supply. While
I'm not generally where I can see/use it, an HDMI connection is
present but nothing is logged in there.

It appears that I get occasional USB SSD data corruption
during writes: building ports a few later extracts of prior
ports builds get ". . . from package: Lzma library error:
Corrupted input data". Out of 419 ports built so far I've
had 4 such failures (40 other ports skipped). The last port
(llvm10) is still building and probably has 4 or more hours
to go.

Possibly going along with that is that, when I try to
copy a large tar file during the poudriere bulk, the copy
ends up corrupted (diff/cmp find differences). I've not
yet tried when the RPi4 was basically idle. Using cmp shows
that long sequences of bytes are different. Sometimes the
new copy has large blocks of binary zeros but not always.
It looks like the blocks might be 4096 in size. (Some bytes
at the beginning or ends of 4096 might happen to match
so the size of the mismatch is can be somewhat less than
4096.) The alignment of the mismatched blocks also
stays inside 4096 alignment boundaries, not crossing.
(I've not seen back-to-back failed blocks yet.) The messed
up blocks are rare.

The poudriere bulk is using 4 builders, each allowed
4 processes. So much of the time there was/is a significant
load average involved (4+) and there was such when I was
testing copies.

So far I've not seen variability in the read results of the
files that were created. It appears to be a write-time

Of note:

The USB SSD is the same media also used to boot and
operate a Rock64. I've not observed any problems in
that alternate usage context. But I should do more
explicit checking now.

My testing NetBSD with the built-in Ethernet in use and
only a USB3 SSD has not suggested problems for the
over_voltage and arm_freq so far. But I need better
checking than I did. NetBSD was using the same type of
USB3 SSD on the same RPi4.

> 2. You can wait for my patches that enable USB to make it into Current (assuming they are accepted). I need to rework them a little further. You can follow the progress at
> * https://reviews.freebsd.org/D25068
> * https://reviews.freebsd.org/D25261
>    -- RHC.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Sunday, 21 June 2020 09:01, Frank Rothstein <freebsd at upokojski.de> wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I am trying to run FreeBSD 13.0 using the image
>> FreeBSD-13.0-CURRENT-arm64-aarch64-RPI3-20200618-r362292.img.
>> Everything seem to work fine, but USB is not working. Is USB on
>> Raspberry Pi 4 not supported or do I have to activate it manually?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Frank
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Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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