RK3328/Rock64 GigE testers needed.

Charles charlesr at scd-systems.net
Mon Jul 13 07:02:02 UTC 2020

Hi Oleksandr,

I use the default u-boot which comes with the FreeBSD images.

"Also could you boot your board with the kernel with the WIP patch 
applied and send me the output?"

Sure, but it will take a bit, regarding compiling time.


Am 12.07.20 um 00:49 schrieb Oleksandr Tymoshenko:
> Charles (charlesr at scd-systems.net) wrote:
>> Hi gonzo, Mark,
>> If this patch and tuning settings are not help, do I have to solder like
>> mentioned in
>> https://sanisimov.com/2019/08/fixing-rock64-v2-gigabit-ethernet/ ?
>> Just for the case, I bought some resistors.
>> I would like to know why the interface works stable with linux.
> Hi Charles,
> Waht u-boot do you use? At the moment FreeBSD (even with my patch)
> heavily relies on u-boot to set up clocks and registers for the
> ethernet adapter. If it's a custom-built u-boot that may explain
> your issues with network. Also could you boot your board with
> the kernel with the WIP patch applied and send me the output?
> Thank you

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