freebsd-arm Digest, Vol 740, Issue 7

Mark Millard marklmi at
Mon Jul 6 21:21:41 UTC 2020

On 2020-Jul-6, at 13:47, Oleksandr Tymoshenko <gonzo at> wrote:

> Furkan Salman (furkan at wrote:
>> Hello Peter,
>> I have rockpiE which is somewhat similar to Rock64, If s133pwa1k9r@ or gonzo@ can confirm if rockpie can be used to test RK3328 Lan issue then I am happy to help with testing.
> Hi Furkan,
> Yes, RockPi E seems to be a good test target. If you could check the
> GigE interface before and after the patch. Whether it works/doesn't work
> and if it works in both cases - try testing performance with iperf3,
> just to see if performance was affected in any way.

For folks not familiar with the general type of activity
or specifically with iperf3 (or other specifics), more
detailed information to "collect and report . . ., collecting
the information via the commands .  . ." could help: more

Also: Do you care between debug kernels vs. non-debug
kernels? Debug ones of the appropriate vintage for head
are available via but there
might be performance consequences to using such.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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