FreeBSD on Layerscape/QorIQ LX2160X
greg at
greg at
Mon Jul 6 17:00:33 UTC 2020
July 6, 2020 7:07 PM, "Dan Kotowski" <dan.kotowski at> wrote:
>> In the old firmware, under the Root Complex Nodes, `Output reference: 0x30` points to the ITS Node
>> with node offset 0x30.
>> Then in the new firmware, under the Root Copmlex Nodes, `Output reference: 0x48` points to the SMMU
>> with node offset 0x48.
>> Is this what you meant when you said everything is "behind the SMMU"?
>> Yes.
>> What patches are we applying right now? I think some new builds would be good, including one with
>> all the stuff we've fixed - like AHCI - but with the NXP PCIe code so I can test on the old
>> firmware. If I'm keeping track correctly, this includes:
>> - D20835: enable tagged pointers
>> - D20974: Port sbsawdt drive from NetBSD
>> - D21017: armv8crypto: add AES-XTS support
>> - D24423: arm/pmu: add ACPI attachment, more FDT names
>> These are not directly related to running on NXP, just random improvements :)
>> - D25145: acpi_resource: support multiple IRQs
>> - D25157: ahci_generic: add quirk for NXP0004
>> - D25179: acpi_iort: fix mapping end calculation
>> Yes, these three.
>> Here's the pci_layerscape patch:
>> If we haven't tried it + acpi_iort fix before, which is quite likely, maybe that's a combination
>> that would work.
>> (I remember when we tried it only, there was only the same interrupt problem as usual..)
>> It's honestly kinda weird that "old" FW requires the custom controller access while "new" FW
>> requires not doing it >_<
> Any tips on where to add verbosity to dmesg during boot? You had a handful of extras in there to
> print things things from the IORT.
That thing is here:
> Also seeing that NVMe hangs in nvme_ctrlr_start_config_hook,
> maybe we want to add some verbosity to sys/dev/nvme/nvme_ctrlr.c to see what it's waiting for?
We know it's an interrupt.. everything is waiting for an interrupt.
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