aarch64 pkg build seems broken/hanging

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at klop.ws
Tue Dec 22 11:42:15 UTC 2020

On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 23:20:26 +0100, Philip Paeps <philip at freebsd.org>  

> On 2020-11-30 23:41:02 (+0800), Ronald Klop wrote:
>> Philip Paeps wrote:
>>> The new aarch64 systems arrived at the data centre on Friday (local  
>>> time) and were installed and configured in the cluster yesterday (my  
>>> time).  They'll start running builds soon.  Packages will start  
>>> appearing on the mirrors shortly after.
>> Great news! Thanks for the update.
>> Do you have some nice details about the new systems? Just for my  
>> curiosity. Probably a bit better than the RPI4 I installed to build my  
>> packages in the meantime. :-)
> The new systems are Ampere eMAG based: 32 cores, 128G memory.  They're  
> currently set up with two spinning rust drives.  We'll probably replace  
> those with four SSDs for better IO.
> Full specs here:
> https://amperecomputing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Lenovo_ThinkSystem_HR330A_PB_20190409.pdf
> Philip

I see packages flowing for 12 and 13 again. Thank you very much.
Will the new poudriere get published in  
https://pkg-status.freebsd.org/builds?type=package also? Or is the server  
reachable via some URL?
I would love to see the build logs of some failed ports.


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