FreeBSD 13-CURRENT download status on RK3399 SBC`s

Michal Meloun meloun.michal at
Mon Oct 28 13:10:36 UTC 2019

On 28.10.2019 13:23, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 12:59:30 +0100
> Michal Meloun <meloun.michal at> wrote:
>> On 28.10.2019 12:10, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
>>> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 13:57:57 +0300
>>> Sleep Walker <s199p.wa1k9r at> wrote:
>>>> Hi All!
>>>> On Khadas-EDGE-V
>>>>    - mainline uboot U-Boot TPL 2019.10-rc3
>>>>    - bootup from SD
>>>>    - eth OK
>>>>    - uart OK
>>>>    - emmc OK
>>>>    - sd OK
>>>>    - USB 2.0 OK
>>>>    -  USB 3.0 OK
>>>>    - USB HID OK
>>>>    - USB DISK OK
>>>  Good to know that everything is working on this board too.
>>>> On Rock Pi4
>>>> UEFI booting, very cool.
>>>> But I can not log into the console.
>>>> it seems it keeps rebooting.
>>>> Here is the log:
>>>  This is known. Let me try to describe the problem.
>>>  So the sd and panic: clknode_init_parent_idx: Invalid parent index 5 for clock sclk_sdmmc have multiple possible parent, one of them is
>>> the usb clock that is generated by the usb controller. The problem is
>>> that when we create the clock domain of the CRU (Clock and Reset
>>> Unit) the usb controller isn't probed yet because it needs clock from
>>> the CRU. When a clock domain is finished (by calling clkdom_finit) we
>>> need all the clocks to be present so we cannot add the unknown for now
>>> usb clock.
>>>  So to fix this issue we need a way to create a fake clock when the CRU
>>> clock domain is created that will be later replaced by the usb
>>> controller. There is multiple approch to this and I'm not yet sure
>>> which one will work best.
>>>  1) We allow to list non-existing clock as parent and don't throw
>>> errors anymore at clkdom_finit but at some SYSINIT.
>>>  This will work well with a big static kernel but not if the clock is
>>> created by a kernel module.
>>>  2) We create some fake clock domain where we can add clocks to it so
>>> it became a somewhat valid parent (but not usable so you cannot select
>>> it with clknode_set_parent for example) and when a clock domain is
>>> finished we remove clock from the fake domain that are present in the
>>> newly created one (as clock names are unique this should not cause
>>> problem). The question is then what should we do when we still have
>>> clock in the fake domain ?
>>>  Maybe mmel@ have more ideas.
>> All above is right but is not related to this panic
>> "panic: clknode_init_parent_idx: Invalid parent index 5 for clock
>> sclk_sdmmc". In this case, the parent clock at index 5 for sclk_sdmmc
>> (named "clk_sdmmc in TRM) is CLK_24M (at least in my TRM). 
>  Mhm right, it's the clock parent id 4 ("upll" in the TRM) the one I
> was talking about. So I guess that puttin parent 4 = NULL and xin24m
> for parent 5 should work.
>> Problem (for me) is that rockchip clock code is slightly incomplete and it uses
>> different nomenclature (naming) that is in TRM. 
>> Unfortunately, putting
>> right clock for this index  doesn't helps much, my RockPRo64 still fails
>> with another (not yet identified)problem.
>  What are the symptoms ?

See attached log. It occurs on every second hard reboot (by pressing
reset button) reboot, only if both clusters are enabled. And, please,
don't ask me why :)

WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
uhub2: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
uhub4: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
Root mount waiting for: usbus4 usbus2 usbus0
uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
uhub1: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
Root mount waiting for: usbus4 usbus0
ugen4.2: <JetFlash Mass Storage Device> at usbus4
umass0 on uhub3
umass0: <JetFlash Mass Storage Device, class 0/0, rev 2.00/11.00, addr
1> on usbus4
umass0:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x8100
umass0:0:0: Attached to scbus0
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <JetFlash Transcend 4GB 1100> Removable Direct Access SPC-2 SCSI device
da0: Serial Number 02UIG9DQD7J9880G
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
da0: 3764MB (7708672 512 byte sectors)
da0: quirks=0x12<NO_6_BYTE,NO_RC16>
ugen0.2: <JetFlash Mass Storage Device> at usbus0
umass1 on uhub0
umass1: <JetFlash Mass Storage Device, class 0/0, rev 2.00/11.00, addr
2> on usbus0
umass1:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x8100
umass1:1:1: Attached to scbus1
Kernel page fault with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex CAM bus lock (CAM bus lock) r = 0
(0xfffffd0003fe7260) locked @ /usr2/Meloun/git/pmap/sys/cam/cam_xpt.c:1039
exclusive sleep mutex XPT topology lock (XPT topology lock) r = 0
(0xffff000000d0dee8) locked @ /usr2/Meloun/git/pmap/sys/cam/cam_xpt.c:5367
exclusive sleep mutex CAM device lock (CAM device lock) r = 0
(0xfffffd000e02d4d0) locked @ /usr2/Meloun/git/pmap/sys/cam/cam_xpt.c:5494
stack backtrace:
#0 0xffff0000005b3ae0 at witness_checkorder+0xd04
#1 0xffff0000005b4afc at witness_warn+0x3f8
#2 0xffff000000899c6c at do_el1h_sync+0x318
#3 0xffff000000899a78 at do_el1h_sync+0x124
#4 0xffff000000880874 at handle_el1h_sync+0x74
#5 0xffff0000000161f0 at xpt_remove_periph+0x38
#6 0xffff000000012674 at cam_periph_release_locked_buses+0x158
#7 0xffff00000001284c at cam_periph_release_locked+0x1c
#8 0xffff00000002de74 at nvme_get_identify_ns+0x6d18
#9 0xffff00000001b474 at xpt_done_direct+0x3b4
#10 0xffff00000001d26c at xpt_register_async+0x13fc
#11 0xffff00000050b040 at fork_exit+0x7c
  x0: fffffd0003fe7260

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