FreeBSD 13-CURRENT download status on RK3399 SBC`s
Michal Meloun
meloun.michal at
Mon Oct 28 11:59:35 UTC 2019
On 28.10.2019 12:10, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 13:57:57 +0300
> Sleep Walker <s199p.wa1k9r at> wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> On Khadas-EDGE-V
>> - mainline uboot U-Boot TPL 2019.10-rc3
>> - bootup from SD
>> - eth OK
>> - uart OK
>> - emmc OK
>> - sd OK
>> - USB 2.0 OK
>> - USB 3.0 OK
> Good to know that everything is working on this board too.
>> On Rock Pi4
>> UEFI booting, very cool.
>> But I can not log into the console.
>> it seems it keeps rebooting.
>> Here is the log:
> This is known. Let me try to describe the problem.
> So the sd and panic: clknode_init_parent_idx: Invalid parent index 5 for clock sclk_sdmmc have multiple possible parent, one of them is
> the usb clock that is generated by the usb controller. The problem is
> that when we create the clock domain of the CRU (Clock and Reset
> Unit) the usb controller isn't probed yet because it needs clock from
> the CRU. When a clock domain is finished (by calling clkdom_finit) we
> need all the clocks to be present so we cannot add the unknown for now
> usb clock.
> So to fix this issue we need a way to create a fake clock when the CRU
> clock domain is created that will be later replaced by the usb
> controller. There is multiple approch to this and I'm not yet sure
> which one will work best.
> 1) We allow to list non-existing clock as parent and don't throw
> errors anymore at clkdom_finit but at some SYSINIT.
> This will work well with a big static kernel but not if the clock is
> created by a kernel module.
> 2) We create some fake clock domain where we can add clocks to it so
> it became a somewhat valid parent (but not usable so you cannot select
> it with clknode_set_parent for example) and when a clock domain is
> finished we remove clock from the fake domain that are present in the
> newly created one (as clock names are unique this should not cause
> problem). The question is then what should we do when we still have
> clock in the fake domain ?
> Maybe mmel@ have more ideas.
All above is right but is not related to this panic
"panic: clknode_init_parent_idx: Invalid parent index 5 for clock
sclk_sdmmc". In this case, the parent clock at index 5 for sclk_sdmmc
(named "clk_sdmmc in TRM) is CLK_24M (at least in my TRM). Problem (for
me) is that rockchip clock code is slightly incomplete and it uses
different nomenclature (naming) that is in TRM. Unfortunately, putting
right clock for this index doesn't helps much, my RockPRo64 still fails
with another (not yet identified)problem.
I currently working on proper (i hope) solution for this problem ->
something like soft-link clock node - a pure pass-throw node, which can
link clock between domains used for cross-domain clock linking.
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