PINE64+ 2GB - with U-Boot SPL 2019.10 - bootaa64.efi do not find UFS partition

Emmanuel Vadot manu at
Tue Oct 15 10:06:50 UTC 2019

On Sun, 13 Oct 2019 11:41:55 -0700
Thomas Skibo via freebsd-arm <freebsd-arm at> wrote:

> > 
> > I put FreeBSD-12.1-RC1-arm64-aarch64-PINE64.img on the sd card. It is 
> > created with u-boot 2019-07 and boot correctly.
> > 
> > If I put u-boot 2019-10 the same problem occurs.
> Without r352446, loader.efi cannot work with u-boot 2019.10.  So, a 12.1 image isn?t going to be compatible with u-boot 2019.10.  I?ve verified this on a Zynq board.
> Also, boot1.efi won?t work with u-boot 2019.10 but I tried Emmanuel?s suggestion to use loader.efi directly and that worked.  Then, as an experiment I backed out change r352446 in the loader and I got all the same error messages as Henri.
> ?
> Thomas Skibo
> thomasskibo at

 Yes, thanks for trying 12.1 as I didn't when I updated u-boot.
 tsoome@ did merge the needed commits in stable/12 and will mfc them in
releng/12.1 so 12.1-RELEASE will work with u-boot 2019.10.
 Note that 12.1 will be shipped with u-boot 2019.07 as this is the
version in the latest quarterly but at least it will not break when the
next quarterly will be branched and people update their u-boot based on
 As said in another mail forget boot1.efi, this was never supported on

Emmanuel Vadot <manu at>

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