Does Camera Module with OV5640 Chip worked on ARM FreeBSD 12.1

Oleksandr Tymoshenko gonzo at
Wed Nov 27 20:21:07 UTC 2019

Nick Kostirya via freebsd-arm (freebsd-arm at wrote:
> Hello.
> Could you tell me, please?
> Does Camera Module with OV5640 Chip work on ARM FreeBSD 12.1?
> It's DVP interface camera, not USB.
> If so, what is needed for this?

I don't think we have required drivers for this. Several things
are required to make it work:
    - Driver for the OV5640 chip, ususally it's controlled over I2C
    - Driver for the SoC block that handles actual pixel data path. For
      this product it's DVP, the other common interface is MIPI/CSI. This
      driver needs to be visible to userland as V4L2 device
      (/dev/videoN). It also needs to have some glue code to talk to the OV5640
      (or any other sensor) driver to control the sensor parameters.
As far as I know FreeBSD doesn't have support for neither of these things at
the moment.


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