FreeBSD/NetBSD bluetooth stack

Stefan Parvu sparvu at
Sun Nov 17 18:04:44 UTC 2019

> The NetBSD bluetooth stack is a slightly older version of FreeBSD's stack ported without netgraph. Max fixed a couple of bugs for me in his stack recently. What we need for the RPI is to support its side card.

thanks for all pointers. So FreeBSD BLE stack could be improved. 

Currently as 12.1 ARM image for RBPI3+ I have tried many things with no success

1. No support for internal bluetooth device

2. Tried several BLE USB dongles, but without success to pair or see some data from 
BLE air quality sensors. Im expecting 2 new USB dongle models to arrive soon. 
Everything documented here: 

I hope FreeBSD leadership can see the benefit to bring improvements around BLE 4.x and 5.0
if we want to be able to compete and offer products and services for IoT around FreeBSD.

Thanks for listening.


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