Pine64-LTS and UART ports

Kaya Saman kayasaman at
Mon Jun 24 20:23:03 UTC 2019

On 6/24/19 3:45 PM, Milan Obuch wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jun 2019 15:34:43 +0100
> Kaya Saman <kayasaman at> wrote:
>> On 6/24/19 12:30 PM, Milan Obuch wrote:
> [ snip ]
> [snip]
> Well, I tested it on 13-CURRENT, so there could be some differences...
> anyway, there is a helper script you could invoke directly, again,
> tested on 13-CURRENT:
> /usr/src/sys/tools/fdt/ /usr/src/sys /usr/src/sys/dts/arm64/overlays/sun50i-a64-uart2.dtso /tmp
> Hope this helps.
> Milan

Thanks Milan,

I tried the dtc method - using this example from the man page:

dtc -@ -O dtb -I dts -o device_overlay.dtbo device_overlay.dts

Actual command used: dtc -@ -O dtb -I dts -o sun50i-a64-uart2.dtbo 

then copied the resulting dtbo file into the /boot/dtb/overlays 
directory, and added the entry into  /boot/loader.conf then rebooted. 
The result was nothing happened :-( no uart2 in the dmesg log at all and 
no extra ttyu(x) either

I've just also attempted: /usr/src/sys/tools/fdt/ 
/usr/src/sys /usr/src/sys/dts/arm64/overlays/sun50i-a64-uart2.dtso /tmp

then copied the .dtbo file into /boot/dtb/overlays and rebooted. Again 

Maybe there is a difference between 12-RELEASE and 13-CURRENT?



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